Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Holidays. woohoo... -__-

holidays are here, and i've nothing better to do, so excuse the lack of enthusiasm. That said, i was actually bored enough to decide to ruin this blog, by actually talking about something. anything.

movies. what news have we in movies? there are two that pop into mind (because of giant posters at a certain mall), the new 007 movie, "Quantum of Solace", and "Twilight". so let's start there. I've not much to say about 007, except that i'm quite looking forward to it. Just like the previous one tackled issues of terrorism, this one is said to revolve around environmentalism. if i'm not mistaken, that is.\

Twilight. i'm not a fan of the series yet (someone please get me an english copy), but i've heard a lot of good things about it. definitely looking forward to reading it. but my experience with book-to-novel adaptations haven't been very pleasant, so i think i'll go for the movie first.

Speaking of which, what is it with studios these days? Adapting stuff so soon after they're published? Or is it just that i'm behind on the news? Honestly, i don't think three years is enough time to come up with a good enough adaptation, but then again, call me a pessimist. I mean, look at the Harry Potter movies. Not that they were (all) bad.. as a single movie series they work quite well, i suppose, but they could've been better. There are so many things that end up being dropped from the movie, that it's barely an adaptation.
I mean, why not wait until at least the whole things finished? then you could wrap the thing up properly, give the fans what they deserve. And mind you, Harry Potter isn't the only one. There are many other book-to-screen adaptations that were disappointing, like Eragon. The others are mostly local movies, so i won't even bother mentioning them.

I've suddenly and utterly run out of things to talk about, so that's it for now.

here's something new. if anyone reads this blog, take some time to answer these questions in the comments page:
1. What d'you think about movies tackling real-time issues? is it just to make more money, are they really trying to spread the word?
2. What do you think about book-to-screen adaptations? past, present, upcoming (i just know 'future' was in your heads XD) anything.
3. What book would you like to see be made into a movie? any book. just don't try to be funny.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Next Show! (kind of...)

Yeah! dS mendapat tawaran utk ngeband hari rabu nanti di Aula SMU St. Laurensia. Haha. It's not much, only 2 songs, but heck. a show's still a show.

See ya there!

---edit (17 Sept 2008, 18.00 WIB)---
Well, the show was a success.. or at least, we weren't booed off stage.. haha. i actually think it went pretty well.

Jujur aja sih, gw rasa sebagian besar (klo nggak semua) yg nontonin lebih inget ngebandnya daripada kampanye programnya. haha


Monday, September 8, 2008

Injuries! x__x

Sepertinya band ini lagi sial. minggu beberapa waktu yg lalu si regan kepalanya bocor gara2 jatoh di tangga. ato dari tangga. entahlah yg mana. sekarang sih untungnya ud terlihat sehat2 aja.

Kali ini giliran ferry yg cedera. Tangannya kejepit resleting. ato mungkin pintu mobil. entah deh yg mana. Sekarang tulang2 tangannya retak, jadi gak bisa maen gitar. boro2 maen gitar, nulis aja perjuangan.. haha. katanya sih 2 mingguan gitu deh.. jadi intinya KITA GAK LATIAN 2 MINGGU KE DEPAN. haha. cepet sembuh ya fer.

that said, jangan2 ini tanda2 dimulainya 'kutukan' bwt band dS? pertama regan, trus ferry, berikutnya siapa? amit2 dah *tok3*


Friday, September 5, 2008

recent updates. just for kicks

gila nih blog basi banget ud 2 bulan gak di update. hal2 yg disebutkan berikut ini bisa2 uda basi2 semua. ('bisa2 uda basi2'. haha. i'm the only one who thinks that's funny, eh?)

letsee.. sejak terakhir blog ini ditambah postnya, telah terjadi beberapa hal yg cukup penting disebutkan. basi, but i'll say it anyway. in no particular order:

Regan jadian ama Felicia. 'hai siarkan di gunung, di bukit, dan di mana jua'. haha. Ini hal pertama di dunia ini yg bener2 membuat gw speechless wkt denger. dan itu sangat tidak menyenangkan bagiku, yang selalu bisa memberi komentar2 nyelekit terhadap hampir segala hal. sama kek denise yg gak kuat disuru diem 5 menit pdhl suaranya ilang (peace, den). Tapi sumpah, gw gak tau klo yg laennya, tp gw pribadi msh dendam kesumat ama regan gara2 gak bilang2 kapan jadiannya. grr.

ngomongin Denise, dia dah jadian. gw masukin aja tu berita, berhubung selama bbrp pertemuan dS (minus addi) di ekskul band, we had the honor of having her join us (cie elahh, bahasanyaa..). jd secara gak langsung dan secara gak resmi kami anggep aja dia anggota 'derSchwartz extended family'

masih sehubungan asmara, kini feli menjadi 'manajer' tunggal band dS. yup, berita terbaru ini membuat gw mengatakan bahwa dS adalah band paling ironis sedunia. ('ironis' mungkin bukan istilah yg tepat, tp apa boleh buat. XD)

in other news, gw (ezra) mendapat tawaran melalui tempat les gw (purwacaraka bintaro), katanya ada band label (entah apa maksudnya) lagi cari bassis. orang di tpt les nanyain ke gw apakah diriku tertarik ato nggak, dst dst. ujungnya dia bilang bakal kasih nomor telp gw ke mereka, biar gw ngmg langsung aja ama mereka (siapapun mereka itu) komitmennya dst. hingga saat ini gw belum dihubungi, jadi gw anggep mereka uda ketemu bassis dari tpt laen. tp tak tau.. keeping my options open, ppl.

apalagi ya? rasanya sih uda lama banget gak latian di studio (or anywhere else, for that matter). hari ini jg gak jadi gara2 bentrokan jadwal. jadinya gw, ferry, regan, feli, dan atha pergi ke sutera telaga biru bwt nongkrong dan karena gak ada kerjaan. terus kami mengundang (baca: menyeret secara paksa XD) addi untuk ikutan. hyahahha. not bad. ni aja gw baru pulang sekitar sejam.

fiuh. this might be the longest post i've written so far. yasudahlah, cukup sekian dan terimakasih dulu. haha.
