Wednesday, June 11, 2008

a picture

AKHIRNYA! kami punya foto bersama! (dan kali ini NGGAK BLUR)

here it is
der Schwartz

sori tenk gw lebih dulu upload fotonya. lu upload yg 1 lagi aja kalo emg mau tau cara upload foto di blog gmn. if u need help just ask me. huahaha

and finally it is only a day to go until our performance on Mey's birthday party. we're really really honored to be the special performance on your birthday party, mey. have a very happy birthday! best wishes, from der Schwartz :)

that's all for now, folks

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

btw sodara2, ini foto diambil di Dream Studio loh. (promosi banget zra..)